About Us.

The Mother-Daughter Journey to ROAGI Beauty

The Essence of ROAGI Beauty

Founded on the shared skin care journey of a mother and daughter, ROAGI Beauty symbolizes the dedication and passion of Maria Reza and Gisselle Botello in helping others achieve their dream of healthy, confident skin. Our brand is more than just a beauty line; it's a story of personal struggles, discoveries, and triumphs in skin care.

ROAGI Beauty transcends the ordinary by combining the personal touch of a family-run business with professional expertise. Founded by a mother-daughter duo, we’ve evolved into a brand that offers a range of skin care products crafted with care, backed by extensive research, and tailored to meet the diverse needs of our customers.

Maria Reza

"My journey with melasma began six years ago, marking the start of an intensive search for solutions. This quest led to the creation of my YouTube channel, Maria Rizzz Tv, where I connected with a community grappling with similar skin concerns. Dissatisfied with conventional treatments, I delved deeper into researching melasma, driven by a desire to offer hope and effective solutions to those facing similar skin challenges. My ambition is to empower individuals to embrace their skin with confidence and grace."

Gisselle Botello

"ROAGI Beauty is a testament to our personal battles with skin issues. My skin care journey was non-existent until high school acne took me by surprise. In my confusion, I experimented with home remedies like toothpaste and baking soda, which unfortunately aggravated my skin. This experience sparked a deeper interest in skin care, leading me to learn, understand, and practice effective skin care routines. It's been a journey towards self-confidence and skin positivity."

Why Choose ROAGI Beauty?

Choosing ROAGI Beauty means opting for a skin care brand that:

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower individuals to feel confident and beautiful in their skin. We strive to provide innovative, effective, and accessible skin care solutions that address a variety of skin concerns, helping our customers achieve and maintain healthy, radiant skin.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be recognized as a leading skin care brand that transformed the beauty industry by bridging personal experiences with professional solutions. We aim to inspire confidence and positivity in our community, ensuring quality in every product.

Our Core Values

At ROAGI Beauty, our core values are the foundation of our brand, guiding every aspect of our business. We believe in:

Empathy and Understanding

Recognizing and addressing the unique skin care challenges faced by our community.

Innovation and Research

Continuously exploring new ingredients and methods to provide effective skin care solutions.

Quality and Integrity

Ensuring the highest standards in our products and being honest and transparent with our customers.

Inclusivity and Diversity

Celebrating and catering to all skin types, tones, and textures.